Skin Care Tip of the Day: Keratosis Pilaris aka "Chicken Skin"
50% of women suffer from KP and it can be embarrassing and frustrating for anyone who has it. Simple exfoliation isn't enough to calm the bumps and often make them worse. Today we will examine some treatments and products that will help you control and conquer your KP.
Keratosis Pilaris appears on the back and outer sides of the arm , and can also occur on the thighs, hands, tops of legs, sides, and buttocks. When the body produces too much keratin (a type of hard protein), it gets entrapped in the hair follicle and causes the pore to become clogged, resulting in unsightly bumps. Keeping your skin hydrated and exfoliated is key.
In Office Treatment
1. Chemical Peels will greatly reduce the appearance and bumpy texture of KP. A series of 4-6 chemical peels one week apart is recommended. Chemical peels for KP range from $60-$80 and are preformed by our medical aesthetician.
Home Care:
1. Glycolic exfoliates and lotions.
2. Applying lotion immediately after a shower, and no more then 3 minutes after a shower.
3. Using a chemical exfoliate body wash.
I recommend using VI DERM
™ EXFOLIATING BODY LOTION WITH 15% GLYCOLIC ACID & RETINOL $40 in office &VI DERM™ BODY WASH WITH 15% GLYCOLIC ACID & AZELAIC ACID $30 in office.For questions or to get more information contact Allie at 951-672-4200.